I myself lead a raid through Karazhan, there are a few things i have learnt what not to do while leading, and i will share them with you.
- Do not go in BLIND
- Do not take a green Rogue over a epic Rogue (so much of a dps difference)
- Make sure your healers are NOT drunk!!!!
- Do not start up a "who can tell the worst joke" competition over Teamspeak!
- Do not go in without knowing what classes do what!
- DO NOT be a loot hog!
- Do not be bias with loots
- Do not raid on friday or saturday nights! (no life :( )
- Don't yell about something you do not know!
- Don't try to tell someone how to play there class!
- Don't think that mana can come back like rage/energy
- Gear up the Main tank first, then the healers, DPS last priority (if you want to progress)
- If you dont want to be a hardcore raid, have some FUN !
- Let people know that theres a time for fun, and theres a time for seriousness
- Do not make immature people raid assistants!
- Take screenies/videos of your first kills!
- DO NOT put up with any idiots that think they can lead over you
Thats all for now, theres proberly about 100000 other things that could be included, but you should all get the drift of the whole idea.
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